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Album-Stream: Philip Glass & Paul Leonard-Morgan – Tales from the Loop (Solo Piano Version)

Piano Soundtrack des Tages.

Tales from the Loop is a 2020 American science fiction drama based on the artwork of retro-futurist Swedish artist Simon Stålenhag. The series follows the interconnected lives of the residents of the fictional town of Mercer, Ohio. Mercer is home to a center for experimental physics and its underground facility known as the Loop. The drama unfolds against a score of an almost static beauty composed by Philip Glass and Paul Leonard-Morgan.
The original score was well-received, especially by fans, and immediately there was an online groundswell of hundreds of piano renditions of the music by amateurs and professionals alike. Leonard-Morgan was well aware of the tributes and immediately set about arranging and recording a number of selections from the score for solo piano for himself.

(via Kottke)

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