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China’s Cyberpunk Futuristic Cities

Drohnenaufnahmen in 4k, die Chinas Megacities bei Nacht zeigen. Als wäre Ghost in the Shell in die realistische Gegenwart geholt worden.

Cyberpunk Futuristic is a subgenre of science fiction in a futuristic setting that tends to
focus on high tech featuring advanced technological and scientific achievements, such as
artificial intelligence and cybernetics. China has many cities that fit this genre. The aerials are the best yet. This is a new genre of CyberPunk Cities that shows the future. Focused on the advancement of China in the last 40 years to the future. Clean cities, AI, technology, and the advancement of infrastructure. Unlike sci-fi dystopian cities of the future, these cities are in harmony with their society without the breakdown of values, individualist ideology, poverty, crime, conflict, and destruction. China has many mega cyberpunk cities like Chongqing, Guangzhou and an amazing blade runner style of buildings. Cyberpunk 2077 takes direction from these Chinese futuristic cities.
China has set a new level of futuristic cities. Cyberpunk style without a breakdown of values.

(Direktlink, via Zwentner)

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