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Doku: Murder of Couriers – Bike messenger culture

Ziemlich geile Doku, die sich dem Leben und der Kultur von Fahrradkurieren widmet.

Murder of Couriers documents the lives of a group of bike messengers over a nearly three-year span. This film was made by couriers, about couriers, for a wide general audience and offers the chance to experience a lifestyle that not many get the privilege to enjoy. With the emerging popularity of urban fashion, extreme sports, green living and alternative lifestyles, people all over the world have begun to take to the streets on two wheels. At the heart of this general movement is a race of individuals who are indifferent to the cause. Indifferent only because they’ve always lived it. Now people around the world are beginning to look at bike messenger culture as a simple unifier of modern ideals. “A perfect marriage of work and play created by those who have learned to cut through the traffic of an uneventful life.” Murder of Couriers investigates this culture through the eyes of the people who live it daily.


Ein Kommentar

  1. Gunnar11. Januar 2024 at 21:51

    In New York als Courier ist hart. Habe ein Jahr als Courier in Norddeutschland gerockt. Bei Wind und Wetter 150 km am Tag. Respekt vor jedem der das über Jahre durchzieht.

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