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Ein Biberdamm so groß, dass man ihn aus dem Weltall sieht

Eine Biberfamilie in Kanada hat einen Damm gebaut, der doppelt so breit ist wie der Hoover-Staudamm. Kern des Videos ist, wie Biber dazu beitragen können, Landschaften widerstandsfähiger gegen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu machen. Stabibers.

In Canada, a beaver family has built a dam extending 850m – that’s more than twice as long as the Hoover Dam. It’s so big it can be seen from outer space. But that’s not the only reason NASA is interested in this architecturally minded species… Increasing diversity and resilience, not to mention creating wetlands, are just some of the impacts beavers can have on their surroundings. What does this mean for the wider environment? And how can we humans learn from it?

(Direktlink, via Kottke)

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