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Ein Spiel zum Nachdenken: No Vehicles In The Park

Dieses kleine und völlig unspektakuläre Game von David Turner veranschaulicht, wie schwierig es sein kann, sich auf Richtlinien zu Themen wie Moderation, Spam, Betrug und sexuellen Inhalten festzulegen und regt diesbezüglich echt zum Nachdenken an. Denn ganz offensichtlich ist es manchmal eben nicht und unsere Ansprüche an das Einhalten von Regeln sind nun mal individuell.

It was about content moderation. Specifically, some people think that there could be simple rules for Internet content that are easy to apply. I want to problematize this.

My initial idea was to write a bunch of tweets that contained yucky language and ideas and ask if each should be banned. I spent hours thinking of awful edge-cases. Oh, so you can’t promote violence? What about promoting war? Defensive war? The police? A woman kills her would-be rapist in self defense? Violence against truly reprehensible people? A positive book review of a book which promotes one of the above? Etc. Violence, in the abstract is, weirdly, not very emotionally charged. But almost nobody wants to read a bunch of arguably racist tweets. And I certainly didn’t want to write a bunch of arguably racist tweets. So I came up with this idea instead. It doesn’t have as much emotional punch as the original, but I think it gets the point across.

(via MeFi)

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