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NSA in da House

Oliver hat mit Freunden letzte Nacht durchaus passende Projektionen auf die US-amerikanische Botschaft in Berlin geballert. Hier ein längeres Video der Aktion.

A giant projection featuring the image of U.S. President Barack Obama wearing a backwards baseball cap and the words „NSA in da house“ illuminated the side of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin early Saturday, in a protest against U.S. spying organised by artist Oliver Bienkowski and Anonymous. Police arrived within five minutes, forcing the projection to end.

Bienkowski and Anonymous have previously displayed other projections on the side of the embassy located near the iconic Brandenburg Gate, including the phrase „United Stasi of America“ in July 2013. A Ruptly film crew was detained by police when covering that story.


2 Kommentare

  1. gerdon20. Juli 2014 at 11:25

    Super Aktion, nur die rote Kiste zuletzt mit Polizei druff, sehr merkwürdig….

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