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Schlagwort: Divine Lorraine

Einen Drohnenflug um das verlassene Divine Lorraine Hotel in Philadelphia

Chris DeAntonio hat eine Drohne um das im Jahr 1999 aufgegebene Divine Lorraine Hotel in Philadelphia geflogen und mit einer Musik unterlegt, die an längst vergessene Hochzeiten des Hauses erinnern dürfte. Eine merkwürdig schöne Kombination, die aus Bild und Ton eine ambivalente Symbiose eingeht.

The Divine Lorraine Hotel, also known as the Lorraine Apartments, stands at the corner of Broad Street and Fairmount Avenue in North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Designed by architect Willis G. Hale and built between 1892 and 1894, the building originally functioned as apartments, housing some of Philadelphia’s wealthy residents. Lorraine Apartments was one of the most luxurious and best preserved late 19th-century apartment houses in Philadelphia. In 1900 the building became the Lorraine Hotel when the Metropolitan Hotel Company purchased the apartments. Later it would become the first hotel in Philadelphia to be racially integrated under Father Divine.

(Direktlink, via Gilly)

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