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Schlagwort: Microscope

Kristallisierendes Vitamin C unter dem Mikroskop

Mit der richtigen Technik können die profansten Vorgänge ganz wunderbar beeindruckend aussehen. So zum Beispiel kristallisierendes Vitamin C unter dem Mikroskop.

Stunning Art using nothing but Vitamin C. I have attached my sony a6300 to my new microscope and took very interesting images of growing crystals. Using several different lighting techniques, like polarization allowed me to capture those vibrant, psychedelic colours.

(Direktlink, via Neatorama)

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Photosynthese in Echtzeit unterm Mikroskop

Das Leben in schönster Form und schönsten Farben.

Until then, here are some square cells of an aquatic plant Egeria densa, and the mesmerizing dance of their chloroplasts. The content of the cells swirl actively to distribute nutrients and organelles like the green sugar machineries what we called the chloroplasts.

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Schmetterling unter Rasterelektronenmikroskop

Teile eines Schmetterlings in ganz, ganz nahe. Hier die Fotos dazu.

„In the first chapter of Microworld Unseen, our main character is the pale grass blue (Pseudozizeeria maha) which is a common butterfly found in Asia. It is small and has a quite ordinary look. As a result, you probably have seen them flying around near wild flowers before, but very likely, you have paid little attention to them. Their ordinary look is the reason why we decided to take another good look at them with a SEM. One hidden feature revealed: the body of this little creature was covered with different kinds of scales everywhere you look.“

(Direktlink, via Maik)

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Die Unterschiede menschlicher Tränen unter dem Mikroskop

Die Fotografin Rose-Lynn Fisher hat schon vor Jahren menschliche, getrocknete Tränen unter dem Mikroskop fotografiert, die aus ganz unterschiedlichen Gründe geweint wurden. Und diese unterscheiden deutlich in ihren Strukturen. Der Artikel dazu ist staubalt, aber ich habe ihn gerade zum ersten Mal gelesen.

When she caught one of her own tears on a slide, dried it, and then peered at it through a standard light microscope, “It was really interesting. It looked like an aerial view, almost as if I was looking down at a landscape from a plane,” she says. “Eventually, I started wondering—would a tear of grief look any different than a tear of joy? And how would they compare to, say, an onion tear?”

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Mikroskopische Slow-Mo-Aufnahme einer abnehmenden Plattennadel

(Sprung in der Platte, gif’d)

Gab es so hin und wieder schon als fotografische Aufnahmen, Ben Krasnow hat das jetzt auch mal in Bewegtbild und Zeitlupe festgehalten.

I describe how I made a stop motion animation of a phonograph needle in an LP groove using an electron microscope. I also show electron micrographs of other recording media.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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