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Schlagwort: Oceans

Haus stürzt ins Meer

In Rodanthe, North Carolina, kam es in letzten Tagen mehrfach dazu, dass Häuser vom Meer “verschluckt” wurden. So wie in diesem Fall am 24. September. Verantwortlich dafür ist eine vermehrte Küstenerosion, die dafür sorgt, dass das Wasser immer mehr Platz für sich beansprucht.

September 24, 2024, third oceanfront home to fall into the ocean in less than a week. Coastal erosion over the years has eaten away at our shoreline causing these homes to be oceanfront and now in the ocean. Rodanthe was recently denied for a federal grant for beach re-nourishment. Insurance does not pay out until the homes fall in. Insurance will not pay for the move of the home or tearing down the home or the cleanup of the house once it falls in most flood insurance policies have a max of $250,000 for a total loss. Most of these homeowners have owned their homes for many years when there was plenty of beach and a dune line protecting them from the ocean. Whether it’s an investment property or a family home to enjoy by family and friends, it is still a very sad, disheartening situation for the homeowner and the community of Rodanthe. Not sure what the immediate solution for this problem is, I am hoping my documentary work is going to bring light to the situation and create a change for the better. Polluting our ocean is not the answer.


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Was wäre, wenn man die Ozeane trockenlegen würde?

xkcd’s What If? mit Antwort auf eine weitere wilde hypothetische Frage. Und zwar der, was wohl geschehen würde, wenn man die Ozeane entwässern würde. Unabhängig davon, dass das für niemanden etwas Gutes bringen würde, könnten wir, rein hypothetisch, irgendwann mit dem Fahrrad von Holland in die Staaten radeln.


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Junger Brite findet seltenen Lego-Oktopus, der 1997 in einem Container ins Meer fiel

Im Februar 1997 wurde das Containerschiff “Tokio Express” vor der Küste des englischen Cornwalls von einer Monsterwelle getroffen, wobei 62 Container ins offene Meer fielen. Darunter einer mit fast fünf Millionen Lego-Teilen. Ein 13-Jähriger hat es sich zum Hobby gemacht, nach diesen Teilen zu suchen und hat davon auch schon gut 800 finden können. Gemeinsam mit seinem Vater war er lange auf der Suche nach genau jenem Lego-Oktopus, den sie nun fanden. 4200 von denen waren damals an Bord der “Tokio Express”.

Another octopus from the great Lego spill of 1997 has just turned up! It was found today by 13-year-old Liutauras on the shores of the ancient Cornish market town of Marazion and is one of 4,200 Lego octopuses lost to the sea 27 years ago. “The feeling is unreal, Liutauras still can’t believe it,” said Vytautas Cemolonskas, who kindly gave us permission to reproduce the pictures. Often described as the holy grail of finds from the spill, the Lego octopuses are notoriously difficult to find. When tangled in seaweed, they can be almost impossible to spot.

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Was an Bord der Nautilus geschah

Die US Navy vermietete das USS O-12 in den späten 1920er Jahren für eine Jahresmiete von einem Dollar an Lake and Danenhower, die es dem Briten Hubert Wilkins für eine Polarexpedition zur Verfügung stellen durften. Lake and Danenhower, das Nachfolgeunternehmen der Bauwerft, rüstete das U-Boot für eine Unterquerung des Nordpols um und benannte es in Nautilus.

In the late 1920’s, accomplished explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins became convinced that a submarine would provide the ultimate means of reaching the North Pole. A submarine could travel for extended periods beneath the ice, avoiding the extreme hazards above which had caused earlier expeditions to fail. Carrying the latest scientific equipment, the submarine’s crew could conduct valuable meteorological, oceanographic, biological, magnetic, and spectrographic experiments.

Wilkin’s submarine would be called the Nautilus. It was a retired WW1-era submarine that had been extensively modified by renowned Naval Architect Simon Lake. The Nautilus featured a heavily reinforced bow, a shock absorber and sledge runners to protect it from collision with sea ice. A diving compartment and airlock was also added to allow divers to explore the depths while the submarine remained submerged. Most importantly, the Nautilus was fitted with three ice drills, allowing the submarine to recharge batteries, refresh air and even allow the crew to exit while the submarine still remained below the ice.

The Nautilus and her crew of 20 men began their expedition to the North Pole in June of 1931.
None of them realized how grueling their journey would be, and almost immediately things began to go wrong.


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Wo Quallenbabys herkommen

Deep Look mit einem ganz genauen Blick darauf, wie Quallenbabys entstehen. Habe ich vorher auch noch nie drüber nachgedacht.

When grown-up jellyfish love each other very much, they make huge numbers of teeny-tiny potato-shaped larvae. Those larvae grow into little polyps that cling to rocks and catch prey with their stinging tentacles. But their best trick is when they clone themselves by morphing into a stack of squirming jellyfish pancakes.


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Casper the Friendly Octopus

Neu veröffentlichte Aufnahmen der ROV Hercules, die uns einen kleinen biolumineszierenden Oktopus zeigen, der bisher keinen Namen hat, dafür aber die ihn findenden Meeresbiologen begeistert wie immer. Die müssen ihren Job einfach hart lieben.

Our Corps of Exploration spotted this Casper Octopus “walking” along the seafloor over 2,300m deep at ʻŌnūnui, ʻŌnūiki (Gardner Pinnacles), roughly 500 nautical miles northwest of Oʻahu. This cephalopod was first discovered by NOAA Ship Okeakos Explorer in 2016 in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument and is still so new to science that they still haven’t been described and given a formal name yet. This tiny tentacled friend has a mantle less than 10 cm (4 inches) wide and lacks fins on the sides of its body and fingerlike cirri on the suckers on their arms- making it part of the incirrate octopus group. Take a look at this adorable deep sea creature and its semi-translucent, shimmering skin that gives us a glimpse inside its bulbous ghosty “Casper” head.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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Buckelwale, die beim Jagen spiralförmige Blasen machen

Natur weiß halt immer noch aufs Neue zu faszinieren. So wie diese Buckelwale, die beim Jagen spiralförmige Blasennetze machen, die zu dem von oben ziemlich geil aussehen.

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