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Schlagwort: Sampler

The teaching tool that makes LoFi Beats to study to: Magnetic card audio recorders

Hainbach mit Geräten, von dessen Existenz ich bis eben keine Ahnung hatte: Magnetkartenrekorder. Und ja, klingt sehr, sehr LoFi.

In this video I focus on the beauty of an obsolete class room tool, magnetic card audio recorders. Made by many companies like Califone, Eiki and Bell & Howell, these are basically the Instagram of magnetic tape recorders. Originally meant for learning languages, these have since found use for LoFi, noise and experimental music, especially after being shown in the movie Baby Driver. Many of these come with line outs, mic ins and have variable speed and offer endless creative possibilities: scratching, looping, half-speed, reverse. All that with a very nice and rather deep sound, way more interesting than many cassette recorders. Shown are the Eiki Language Master, Califone Cardmaster and Bell & Howell Language Master.


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