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Wunderschöne Fibonacci-Zoetrop-Skulpturen aus dem 3D-Drucker

John Edmark hat diese wirklich schwer schönen Fibonacci-Zoetrop-Skulpturen aus seinem 3D-Drucker geholt.

These are 3-D printed sculptures designed to animate when spun under a strobe light. The placement of the appendages is determined by the same method nature uses in pinecones and sunflowers. The rotation speed is synchronized to the strobe so that one flash occurs every time the sculpture turns 137.5º—the golden angle. If you count the number of spirals on any of these sculptures you will find that they are always Fibonacci numbers.

For this video, rather than using a strobe, the camera was set to a very short shutter speed (1/4000 sec) in order to freeze the spinning sculpture.

Wer selber einen 3d-Drucker zur Hand hat, auf Instructables gibt es die Anleitung.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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