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Ambient aus alten Walkmans und Mehrspur-Kassettendecks


Der in Portland ansässige Musiker Randall Taylor, alias Amulets, kreiert experimentelle Ambient-Performances aus ollen Walkmans, alten Mehrspur-Kassettendecks, handgemachten Tape-, Live-Gitarren-Loops und einigen Effektgeräten. Und das ist schon ganz schön geil.

(Taylor’s) current body of work under the moniker Amulets expresses his interest in the intersection between visual art and music. His physical cassette tape loops are like mini musical canvases. They create sonic tapestries in his mechanically performative installations. Using recycled tapes and players, he simultaneously fuses music, recycling, art, and nostalgia.


(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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