Julian Nocker hat drei Sommer damit verbracht, sich in Salzburg dieses fantastische Haus in den Garten zu bauen, das zwar wie ein Baumhaus aussieht, aber streng genommen keines ist, denn es fehlt der Baum.
Den Prozess des Baus hat er auf seinem Blog dokumentiert und in diesem Video festgehalten.
I designed and built this treehouse during 3 summer holidays next to my architecture studies. It is the result of my dealing with wood construction, handcraft and space following the ideas and concepts of the childhood treehouse and Japanese teahouses.
It is located in Salzburg Austria, on the exact same place where I had my first actual treehouse built with my brother and father.
I started the project out of the motivation to really build something. To continue where fictional design tasks at university normally end. The liberty of not having to know the exact outcome, of still making decision during the building process, of allowing mistakes to occur and learning from them considerably blurred the usual separation of planning and building.
In the end my treehouse also turned into my diploma thesis and already hosted guests from several countries!
(Direktlink, via Cabin Porn)