Herrlich atmosphärisches Drum & Bass-Gelöt, das Blu Mar Ten da vor 22 Jahren zu einem Mix gemacht hat. Ich mag das ja immer noch sehr gerne. Vor allem wie zeitlos dieser Sound ist. Darauf in ein langes Wochenende.
I recently found a whole bunch of mixes I did between 1992 and 1997 and have started the long process of ripping the cassettes to mp3.
As I work through them in no particular order I’ll put them up here for download.
Remember the sound quality isn’t great as they were all recorded through a mixer with no EQ and committed to cassette on a shabby home stereo…But what the hell, it’s that authentic 90s sound through and through.
Earl Grey: My Soul’s On Ice
Artemis: Desideradi
JMJ: Gravitational Pull
Architex: Altitude
MP5: Fight or Flight
Omni Trio: Sanctuary
Blu Mar Ten: The Fountain
EZ Rollers: Subtropic
Blame: Overhead Projections
Blu Mar Ten: Global Access
Quicksilver: Lord of the Flies
Appaloosa: Night Train
PHD: Presence
PHD & Conrad: Progression Session
Personelle: Rebound (Nookie remix)