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Dann kommt der vermisste Hund zurück, bringt einen neuen Kumpel mit und eine Ziege

Neulich in Kansas:

„My wife let our dog out of the house to go to the bathroom at 6 pm the night before and told me there was another white dog in our yard and Bo took off and would not come back. We looked all over the place for him and could not find him. We decided to go home and wait for him to come back but he never did. I went out in the morning to look for him and found no sign of him anywhere. My wife got saw that someone had just about hit a black lab, a white lab and a goat on the road. My wife called me and told me the news and I knew right away that was our dog. I left work right away. I saw the crew out in a cut bean field on the east side of the highway.“


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