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Dutzende Ovoide als bunt strahlende Lichtinstallation

Das in Tokio ansässige internationale Kunstkollektiv teamLab hat in Hong Kong eine bunt leuchtende, interaktive Installation aus jeder Menge Rieseneiern aufgebaut. Sehr hübsch.

Extending from land to sea, each glowing ovoid responds to touch and movement. When pushed over by wind, waves, or human force, the resilient forms rise and change colors, triggering a chain reaction with neighboring sculptures and alluding to how humans and nature are affected by their environments. This is especially evident in the bobbing structures partially submerged in the sea, which are constantly shifted by the marine conditions. Together, each distinct component creates an illuminating conversation between viewers, their surroundings, and the physicality of the work itself.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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