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Ein drittes Auge, das Smartphone-Zombies am Leben hält

Darauf hat die Welt gewartet.

The device, part of an artwork Paeng has called „Phono Sapiens“, opens its translucent eyelid whenever it senses the user’s head has been lowered to look at a smartphone. When the user comes within one to two metres of an obstacle, the device beeps to warn of the impending danger.

Paeng’s invention uses a gyro sensor to measure the oblique angle of the user’s neck and an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance between the robotic eye and any obstacles. Both sensors are linked to an open-source single-board microcontroller, with battery pack.

Paeng’s demonstration of the device in Seoul this week garnered attention from passersby.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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