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Ein ökologisches Micro-Haus: Ecocapsule

Großartige Entwicklung aus der Slowakei, wo sie mit der Ecocapsule ein Micro-Haus gebaut haben, das Strom aus Luft und der Sonne generiert und auch das Regenwasser zur weiteren Nutzung sammelt. Der Preis für das hübsche Ei steht noch nicht fest.

Ecocapsule is a low-energy house packed into a compact form. It merges an energy efficient shape, compact volume and off-grid capabilities with the luxuries of a warm bed, running water and a hot meal.

Even though small in size, each Ecocapsule comfortably houses two adults. Its efficient spatial layout allows you to enjoy convenience of household facilities in off-grid conditions. Built-in kitchenette with running water, flushing toilet and hot shower are luxuries of a hotel room that are now also available in wilderness.

Plenty of storage space also fits all your sport or research equipment.

Basic specs:

Dimensions: (HxLxW)2.55×4.45×2.25m/4.5m with extended pole
Weigh: 1500kg
Installed power output: wind 750W solar 600W
Battery capacity: 9744Wh

(via Like Cool)

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