Milde interessant: Sunken Ships of the Second World War ist eine Weltkarte, die Schiffe sammelt, welche im zweiten Weltkrieg versunken sind.
About the Sunken Ships of the Second World War
This dashboard maps out the locations of more than 15,227 ships that were sunk during the Second World War as a result of self-inflicted or enemy action (i.e. not included are ships sunk as a result of natural disasters or accidents). Data on another 4,787 ships was also collected but these are not mapped because of the lack of location data.
Location data may not be exact. This information is sometimes a generalized location (e.g. 50W, 42N) or a best guess. There are undoubtedly errors in the data.
Da geht der dahin, der Urlaubstag.

(via BoingBoing)