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Kolibri als Kumpel

Dieser Herr hier hat in Oakland die Bekanntschaft mit einem Kolibri gemacht, den er dann „Hector the nectar collector“ genannt hat. Seitdem kommt Hector regelmäßig vorbei erfreut sich an den kleinen Mahlzeiten, die ihm angeboten werden.

Julian, known online as „Birdperson666“, has always had a love for wildlife. Living in Oakland, he wasn’t expecting to spark a friendship with a hummingbird living near by. It took about 5 days to get Hector, short for „Hector the nectar collector“, to trust him enough to stop and eat right from Julian’s hand. Hector has gone viral on social media, with over 800,000 follows on his TikTok page. Julian makes Hector’s nectar according to a specific recipe, so that it’s chemically as close to natural nectar as possible. He hopes his videos inspire others to explore and appreciate the nature around them.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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