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Kreis Tandem

Natürlich schon irgendwie nutzlos und zum nur im Kreis fahren, aber dafür dann gemeinsam. Und Kilometer kann man so ja auch machen. Sehe ich in Reha-Einrichtungen. Entwickelt und gebaut hat das Teil Robert Wechsler – und viel dabei gelernt, wie er schreibt.

I built this circular bike as an undergrad at UCSB. Twenty years later, as an Artist in Residence at Olin College of Engineering I brought it out for Olins Fall Gathering celebration so a new generation can ride.

The title emerged from a conversation I had with my professor at the time about my disappointment in learning that a circular bike was not a wholly original idea. I came to it honestly, but my professor was able to point to a few artists who had created similar things in the past. I’m fact, I learned that as early as the 1900’s people were making ‘velocipede carousels.’

Making this circular bike taught me a lot. I learned to weld, and how to fix bikes and most importantly I learned it’s not so important to be 100% original, in fact it’s impossible. We walk the same paths, we explore the same themes, we make the same mistakes and we relive the same histories. This is not the first circular bike, and it won’t be the last, and there is no best, just variations on an idea.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Arielle31. Oktober 2023 at 16:48

    Die Letzten werden die Ersten sein.

    Alles hat ein Ende, nur der Kreis hat keins.

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