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Sechs Monate Wetter in 90 Sekunden

So dramatisch wie in einem Hollywood-Blockbuster, aber eben echt. Beeindruckendes Video von Dustin Farrell.

What you see here is about 6 months of effort boiled down to 3 minutes. 2020 was a tough year for creatives like myself. Commissioned work in the arts took a severe hit. But I made the best of it. All of the time off gave me ample time to chase. So, I chased!!! I chased so much that I needed to buy a new engine for my truck. I chased so much that it took me 2 months to edit all of the raw footage. We captured over 400 shots in the Summer of 2020. 101 shots made this video. I hope you enjoy.

(Direktlink, via Nag on the lake)

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