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Schlagwort: Light

Der Mond als Lampe: Luna


Eine wunderschöne Idee, sich den Mond als Lampe in die Wohnstube zu holen. Gibt es dann in 7 verschiedenen Größen, hier die schon fast sechsmal überfinanzierte Indiegogo-Kampange, hier die Webseite.

When was the last time you looked up at the moon?

Divine and serene, the moon is a resting place for our heart.

After a long day, we sometimes want to take a glimpse at the moon for a sense of relief, only to find skyscrapers in the city…

But now, you can bring the moon along with you.

Inspired by the moon, the artwork ─ Luna, hopes to bring more delight and content into your life. Indulge yourself into the moonlight. Let Luna illuminate your space, and your mind.

Ich will das haben!

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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Superschöne, kleine Leuchte, die wie eine Pusteblume aussieht. Leider mit Batterie und nicht ganz billig, dafür mit LED-Licht und echten Pusteblumensamen.

The fragile and luminous Dandelight is a delightful little object that reminds us of childhood optimism and early summer days. Expressing the utopian vision of its designers, the Dandelight marries nature and technology in the most poetic way possible. The design starts with a real dandelion, whose downy seeds have been painstakingly plucked then attached, one by one, to an LED, which connects to a battery via a slender copper stem. The final result is a light-emitting flower that captures one of the most beautiful spring moments in an eternal glow.

(via BoingBoing)

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Tanz, Räder, LEDs, Dunkelheit: Ghost Peloton

Die Kombination aus allem nebst der Langzeitbelichtungen sieht ziemlich geil aus.

Created for the grand depart of the Tour de France 2014 from Yorkshire, Ghost Peloton fuses performance cycling with athletic choreography performed by Phoenix Dance Theatre’s dancers, and the varied landscapes of race route. Each rider, bike and performer was illuminated using NVA’s bespoke LED light suit, which can instantaneously change colour, flash-rate and luminosity. The rhythm of movement from the choreographed actions of massed participants becomes a source of creativity in itself, extending perception of the immediate setting.

It’s epic public art, operating at the grandest scale, where physical surroundings become an open canvas carrying a new visual language, expressing mood and movement, comprised of form, colour and line.


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Große Bälle zu bunt berühren

Ziemlich abgefahrene Installation des aus Tokyo stammenden Künstlerkollektivs teamLab. Die riesigen schwebenden Bälle wechseln bei Berührungen die Farbe, in der sie leuchten. Die Teile kommunizieren kabellos miteinander und senden ein “Farbe-wechsel-dich-Signal”, so dass das Licht durch die Räume zu fließen schein. Extratoll! So was würde ich ja dann gerne auf den Sommer-Festivals sehen wollen.

The balls send color information to other balls which in turn spread the information to other balls, changing all the balls to the same color. The piece is a metaphor for the internet and globalization in general. People act as intermediaries for information which so quickly travels via the internet globally, transforming the world in an instant and unifying at the same time.

(Direktlink, via CollabCubed)

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Wenn ein Haus zum Zauberwürfel wird: Puzzle Facade

Tolles Projekt, das seine ganze Faszination vielleicht erst im urbanen Kontext offenbart. An der Universität für Künstlerische und Industrielle Gestaltung in Linz haben ein paar Leute ein kleines würfelförmiges Interface namens Puzzle Facade entwickelt, welches das Prinzip des Rubik Cube auf Häuserwände übersetzen kann. Das sieht auch dann absolut großartig aus, wenn der Würfel nicht auf dem Weg zur Lösung ist. Gerade dann gar.

In Puzzle Facade the player interacts with the specially designed interface-cube. The interface-cube holds electronic components to keep track of rotation and orientation.
This data is sent via Bluetooth to a computer that runs the Puzzle Facade designed software. This software changes the lights and color of the large-scale Ars Electronica’s media facade in correlation to the handheld interface-cube.
Due to the nature of this building and its surroundings, the player is only able to see two sides at the same time. This factor increases the difficulty of solving the puzzle, but as the player is able to rotate and flip the interface-cube, it is not a blocking factor.


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