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Schlagwort: Tea

Faultier Tee-Ei

„Tee-Ei“, so hieß das zumindest damals mal in Mutters Küche. Ich denke, das Teilchen hier geht in die selbe Richtung.

When you want to take life slow and hang out with a cup of tea, our Slow Brew Sloth Tea Infuser is happy to be there for you! Time to smell the roses.

You deserve to take a break from your frantic pace and let Slow Brew make you the ideal cup of tea. This sweet sloth infuser is made of heat-resistant silicone and hangs patiently inside your mug or cup.

(via Like Cool)

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Ein Porträt aus 20.000 Teebeuteln

Ich mag Teebeutel nicht sonderlich. Ich mag Tee lieber lose. Die in Malaysia lebende Künstlerin Red Hongyi hingegen mag Teebeutel ganz gerne. Ob sie Tee von diesen trinkt, weiß ich nicht genau, aber sie macht Bilder damit. So wie dieses hier, wofür sie 20.000 Teebeutel benutzte.

I used 20,000 teabags to illustrate a man preparing teh tarik in the background, with soft drink cans and an ice-kacang (shaved ice) machine as props in front of him hung in the foreground. The piece was 3.2×2.2meters…and weighed 200kgs! The teabags are stained in 10 different shades of brown. The teabags were stained by steeping the bags in hot water – the lesser and hotter the water, the more they were stained – and the darker tones were stained with brown food dye. All these bags were stapled and attached onto tiles of wiremesh, then hung off a wooden frame. I spent about two months planning, sourcing, creating and filming this piece.

(Direktlink, via Devour)

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