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Wie Schneeflocken zu ihren Formen kommen

Ein wenig Chemie noch bevor die Woche sich dem Ende nähert.

The video tracks formation of snowflakes from their origins in bits of dust in clouds that become droplets of water falling to Earth. When the droplets cool, six crystal faces form because water molecules bond in hexagonal networks when they freeze. It explains that ice crystals grow fastest at the corners between the faces, fostering development of the six branches that exist in most snowflakes. As snowflakes continue to develop, the branches can spread, grow long and pointy, or branch off into new arms. As each snowflake rises and falls through warmer and cooler air, it thus develops its own distinctive shape.

(Direktlink, via TDW)

Ein Kommentar

  1. Julie Paradise — Überblick22. Dezember 2012 at 16:41

    […] vom Kraftfuttermischwerk hat DAS!!! Video: Wie Schneeflocken zu ihren Formen kommen. Mußten wir uns 6mal ansehen, wobei den Kindern völlig egal war, daß sie kein Wort verstanden […]

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