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70 Zebrafinken spielen E-Gitarren

Im Montreal Museum of Fine Arts hat man im Jahr 2015 eine Gitarreninstallation aufgebaut, die 70 Zebrafinken dazu animieren wollte, auf E- und Bassgitarren Sound zu machen – und das hat geklappt. Ich mag diese Idee sehr.

A living musical exhibit at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts will set 70 zebra finches loose in an aviary, and the only perches are the strings of 14 electric guitars and bass guitars.

When the birds land, they create music that’s played through amplifiers stationed around the aviary.

French artist Céleste Boursier-Mougenot calls it living music, inspired by a memory from his childhood.

„Looking through the window, my feeling was that I want to make music from these birds on the wire, and 30 years later I did this,“ he said.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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