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Kategorie: Täglicher Sinnwahn

Graffiti is illegal

Kurzer Film der New Yorker Verkehrsbetriebe (was übrigens ganz toll klingt) aus dem Jahr 1988, der zeigt, was mit den „Schmierern“ in den Subwaytunneln passiert. Ob es was geholfen hat, ist nicht übermittelt.

(Direktlink, via Kottke)

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Mickey Mouse Gasmaske

Und die gab es wirklich.

On January 7th, 1942, one month after Pearl Harbor, T.W. Smith, Jr., the
owner of the Sun Rubber Company, and his designer, Dietrich Rempel,
with Walt Disney’s approval introduced a protective mask for children.
Other comic book character designs were to follow, depending on the
success of the Mickey Mouse mask.

The mask was designed so children would carry it and wear it as part
of a game.

This would reduce the fear associated with wearing a gas
mask and hopefully, improve their wear time and, hence, survivability.

This photo is postpositioned !

(Polly Roger, via this isn’t happiness)

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Ein Jahr nach dem BP-Öl-Spill im Golf von Mexico, animiert infografiert

Ein Jahr ist es jetzt her. Und was hat es im Bewusstsein der Menschen geändert? Richtig. Nicht sonderlich viel.

A year ago, a massive oil spill began in the Gulf. The entire country was glued to the news until the well was capped, and then we forgot about it.

As the year anniversary was fast approaching I became curious, just how much oil was that exactly? Where would it have gone? What I found was shocking.

So in an effort to further our discussion on oil dependency I created this short animation. I’ve spent all of my free time in the last month putting this together to help illustrate just how dependent we truly are on oil.

Irgendwas haut mit der Stereo-Spur nicht hin, das schadet aber der Information nichts.


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