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Datenvisualisierung der gängigsten PIN-Nummern

Neulich erst die durch Daten-Lecks bekannt gewordenen häufigsten Passwörter, jetzt durch Daten-Lecks ersichtlich: die gängigsten PIN-Nummern.

According to the analysis, just 20 4-digit numbers account for 27% of all PINs: 1234, 0000, 7777, 2000, 2222, 9999, 5555, 1122, 8888, 2001, 1111, 1212, 1004, 4444, 6969 (nice), 3333, 6666, 1313, 4321, 1010. The diagonal line is people using repeated pairs of digits (e.g. 2727 or 8888) while the horizontal line near the bottom is people who are presumably using their (19xx) birth year as a PIN. (You can see the beginning of a 20xx line on the left side.)

(via Kottke)

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