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Ein Helm, der die Welt in Zeitlupe übersetzt: The Decelerator Helmet

Genau, was da steht. Ziemlich abgefahrenes Teil, dass ich hin und wieder ganz gerne mal aufsetzen würde um diese ganz bestimmten, eher spärlich gesäten, großartigen Momente des Lebens wortwörtlich in Zeitlupe geniesen zu können. Ob das wohl psychologisch irgendwas Messbares in der Wahrnehmung verändert?

Und die Optik von diesem Ding! Das Teil auf einem der geilen Festivals im Sommer. Das wäre was.

Ich quote das mal in Englisch, aber hier gibt es das Dingen auch in deutscher Variante.

The Decelerator Helmet is a experimental approach for dealing with our fast moving society. The sense of vision is consigned to an apparatus which allows the user a perception of the world in slow motion.
In a increasingly hectic, overstimulated and restless environment are the calls for deceleration omnipresent. The inconceivably amount of information and influences in our everyday lives leads in many cases to an excessive demand.The idea to decouple the personal perception from the natural timing enables the user to become aware of his own time.
In the inside of the helmet the video-signal of a camera is processed by a small computer. The slowed-down images are displayed right before the user’s eyes via a head-mounted display and are simultaneously shown on a monitor on the outside.
The helmet has three different modes which can be selected by a remote control:
In the auto-mode time is slowed down automatically and re-accelerated after a defined interval. The press-mode allows the specific deceleration of time. In the scroll-mode the user can completely control the speed of the elapsing of time.
The Decelerator gives the user the possibility to reflect about the flow of time in general and about the relation between sensory perception, environment and corporality in particular. Also it dramatically visualizes how slowing down can potentially cause a loss of the present.

(Direktlink, via Doobybrain)

4 Kommentare

  1. Blah Blahson16. Januar 2013 at 12:23

    „In a increasingly hectic, overstimulated and restless environment are the calls for deceleration omnipresent“

    Aua. Den Text kann doch nur jemand geschrieben haben, dessen Muttersprache Deutsch ist. ^^

  2. Sparticle17. Januar 2013 at 12:21

    thank you for reminding me why i hate most „art“.

  3. Elber17. Januar 2013 at 16:02

    Und wer hat dem Sprecher den Helm „Turn your English into ridiculous English with german accent“ aufgesetzt?

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