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Schlagwort: Porcupines

Leopard vs Stachelschwein

Hatte ich schon mal in anderer Konstellation, bleibt immer noch eine schlechte Idee. Auch für diese hungrige Leopardin. Aber Hunger fragt nicht nach Vernunft.

The predator was spotted stalking the spiky rodent, before taking a swipe at the prickly customer and quickly regretting his decision.

The bizarre battle, which lasted an hour and half, saw the determined leopard take several breaks to remove quills from his paws and lick his wounds, while the brave porcupine stuck around as if to tease his opponent.

Eventually the leopard admitted defeat and the pair slinked away together, appearing to call a truce.

(Direktlink, via Massimo)

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Stachelschweinbabies und ein Teddybär

Schon mal ein Stachelschweinbaby gesehen? Ich nicht – und finde die schon sehr putzig.

Fluffy and Lulu, two infant Mexican hairy dwarf porcupines, were found all alone and brought to the Nosara Refuge for Wildlife in Costa Rica to be raised under the care of a team of experts until they are ready for reintroduction into the wild.

Fluffy arrived at the centre in December 2018, while Lulo was brought in in January 2019.

The cute porcupines have now become inseparable and they even hang out together with a teddy bear which is double their size.


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