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Schlagwort: Stop-Motion

Stop Motion Film aus dem Flickr-Album der Apollo-Missionen

Vor einer Woche hatte die NASA tausende von Fotos der Apollo-Missionen auf Flickr geladen. Vimeo-Nutzer harrisonicus hat mit einigen dieser Bilder jetzt einen Stop Motion Film gebastelt. Schönes Ding.

I was looking through the Project Apollo Archive (flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/) and at one point, I began clicking through a series of pics quickly and it looked like stop motion animation. So, I decided to see what that would look like without me having to click through it. Enjoy!

(Direktlink, via Johannes)

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Still NYC

Den Tab habe ich schon seit ein paar Tagen offen und mag ihn nicht so gerne schließen, ohne ihn hier als Video gebracht zu haben. Weil dieses auf ganz eigene Weise eben so schön und irgendwie eigen ist. Aus ganz vielen Fotos digital zusammengeklebt.

This year I visited New York for the first time. Throughout my time there I was walking all around the city with my camera. I was looking for a way to portray all the different types of scenery and people that I saw as well as keep the constant energy of the city. I decided to take still photographs and compile them in a video as if they were one flowing motion.
(Ynon Lan)


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