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Trailer: 500 Days in the wild

Die Regisseurin und Kamerafrau Dianne Whelan auf einer Reise durch die kanadische Wildnis. 24.000 Kilometer in sechs Jahren. Nur weiß ich nicht, ob der Film es auch in deutsche Kinos schafft. Ich würde hingehen.

Award-winning director and cinematographer Dianne Whelan is the only person to complete this epic journey of discovery—hiking, biking, paddling, snowshoeing and skiing across the country.

For a woman in her 50s who is not an extreme athlete, it was sometimes gruelling, occasionally harrowing, often exhilarating and always surprising. She started out alone, disillusioned with the state of the world and worried about climate change, to look for different ways of caring for the land and each other. She ended the journey a bit wiser, more hopeful, in love and with a passion to share this story.

(Direktlink, via Nag on the Lake)

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