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Ein Flughafen-Parkplatz in LA, der zu einem improvisierten Dorf von Fluggesellschaftsmitarbeitern geworden ist

Auf einem Parkplatz in der Nähe vom Los Angeles International Airport haben sich dutzende Mitarbeiter von Fluggesellschaften in Wohnmobilen so was wie ein kleines Dorf geschaffen. Piloten, Flugbegleiter und Mechaniker leben dort in einem eigentlich so nicht angedachten Wohnmobil-Park. Urbanism in Vans.

Hier die Story dazu in der New York Times.

Taking a back-road shortcut to catch a flight from Los Angeles two years ago, I passed an obscure airline employee parking lot — and was surprised to see over 70 motor homes. It looked like there was an entire community planted right there in the parking lot of the airport. I wondered, who lived there — and why?

I learned that this community was an employee parking lot turned motor-home park made up of pilots, flight attendants and mechanics. And I became fascinated by why and how the residents — people who may have flown us across the country, or walked us through emergency landing procedures — came to inhabit such an unusual place.


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