Neulich in Neuseeland. Ein paar Kajakfahrer paddeln neben ein paar Seehunden. Einer der Seehunde haut einem der Kajakfahrer dann einen Oktopus um die Ohren. Und das ist womöglich die beste Headline des Tages. Egal, was da noch kommen mag.
We we’re kayaking in the winter NZ Kaikoura, beautiful day, seals were swimming and enjoying sun on the rocks.
Right around lunchtime, several seals started to swim around, we just thought they were refreshing their body, yet apparently they were seeking more of food.
One seal swims right next to us, having an octopus in his mouth, pops right up of the surface next to us, then tries to chew up the leg but ended up slapping our face!!
(Direktlink, via Digg)
„Die Natur schlägt zurück!“
Fahren die in die Natur, um da ‚rumzujohlen?
Wie doof…