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Holzstühle auf einem Laufband aus Schleifpapier

Alles eine Frage der Zeit. Irgendwann sind sie weg. Die Holzstuhl-Schleifmaschine des niederländische Künstlers Leon de Bruijne, die er Quick Sand nennt. Ein bisschen so wie das Leben.

If you want to open a can of soup without using a can-opener you can by grinding the top over the asphalt until enough material is worn away to open it. Erosion is an interesting process. Rubbing one material to another always leads to one of them disappearing to dust. A chair is a common object that’s being rubbed or drawn an awful lot of times. Repeat this motion long enough and the legs of the chair pulverize until there’s nothing left. This installation tries to visualize this unreal process.

(Direktlink, via The Creators Project)

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