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KI lernt, einen 100-Meter-Sprint zu laufen

Aller Anfang ist schwer, aber irgendwann läuft es dann. Irgendwie. Und unterhaltsam ist das allemal.

In this video 5 AI agents compete to learn how to run 100m the fastest. The AI were trained using Deep Reinforcement Learning, a method of Machine Learning which involves rewarding the agent for doing something correctly, and punishing it for doing anything incorrectly. Each agent’s actions are controlled by a Neural Network that’s updated after each attempt in order to try to give the agents more rewards and less punishments over time. Check the pinned comment for more information on how the AI was trained!

(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)

Ein Kommentar

  1. Monty24. Oktober 2023 at 12:06

    Ähnelt stellenweise doch verblüffende dem legendäre „Ministry of Silly Walks“ ;)

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