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Luftblasen tanzen synchron zu Beethovens 9.

Phys.org erklärt, wie genau das Bubble Piano funktioniert. In sehr viel größer wäre das auf Musikveranstaltungen aller Art ganz sicher der Hingucker.

‚Bubble piano‘ plays bubbles in sync with Beethoven symphony: „Calling it an ‚Ode to Bubbles‘, MIT researchers have produced bubbling in sync with Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9: Ode to Joy on a surface resembling a piano keyboard. The performance demonstrates the researchers‘ new method of turning bubbles on and off on different areas of a boiling surface in a fraction of a second. The researchers […] have published a paper on the method to control boiling on demand in a recent issue of Nature Communications.

(Direktlink, via René)

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