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Strauß verfolgt Radfahrer

Da bleibt einem wohl kaum was anderes übrig, als richtig in die Pedale zu treten.

We came down to South Africa for the Cape Argus Tour. It is the biggest cycling event in the world, probably.

Suddenly, I spotted a white ostrich on my left, then this beast jumped on the road from the right and started chasing my friends! It was a little scary at first, but then I thought I gonna fell of my bike from laughter. The ostrich didn’t have any problem to keep up at 50km/h and apparently they do 70km/h with no sweat.

(Direktlink, via Doobybrain)

Ein Kommentar

  1. Wolle Wollekowski7. März 2016 at 17:44

    Oedale? Ronny, das üben wir nochmal :P

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