Geiles Teil, das an der Technischen Hochschule Zürich entwickelt wurde und es zulässt, mit einem NES und 8 Projektoren Super Mario auf 360° zu spielen.
We propose a hardware and software system that transforms 8-bit side-scrolling console video games into immersive multiplayer experiences. We enhance a classic video game console with custom hardware that time-multiplexes eight gamepad inputs to automatically hand off control from one gamepad to the next. Because control transfers quickly, people at a large event can frequently step in and out of a game and naturally call to their peers to join any time a gamepad is vacant.
Video from the game console is captured and processed by a vision algorithm that stitches it into a continuous, expanding panoramic texture, which is displayed in real time on a 360 degree projection system at a large event space. With this system, side-scrolling games unfold across the walls of the room to encircle a large party, giving the feeling that the entire party is taking place inside of the game’s world. When such a display system is not available, we also provide a virtual reality recreation of the experience. We show results of our system for a number of classic console games tested at a large live event. Results indicate that our work provides a successful recipe to create immersive, multiplayer, interactive experiences that leverage the nostalgic appeal of 8-bit games.
Ich habe ja keine Katze, aber vielleicht ließe sich das auch für einen Hund bauen. Wäre dann allerdings wahrscheinlich noch teurer als die hierfür aufgerufenen $1.100. Verkauft wurde es dennoch und bleibt wohl auch ein Einzelstück. Aber ein feines.
This was originally going to be a litter box. I still think pictures of the cats kicking and then jumping out of this would be priceless. This took an incredibly long amount of time to make, and because of this we’re only making two. I wanted to do something that could sit in a room as art, but also be a usable piece of furniture. For instance, the wooden box has hinges on the inside, so that it doubles as a storage space to keep kitty litter or cat food in The whole piece (other then the wooden box) is made from hardened styrofoam, including the chain. It’s a multiple of layers of Epoxy and another product with a cement texture used over the the Chomp’s body to make it look like metal. It’s body is matte, and the inside of the mouth, teeth and eyes are gloss to give them a wet look.
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