Ein Drohnenvideo, das der Anfang einer spannenden Abandoned-Story sein könnte. Allerdings ist die Auflösung deutlich profaner und dann gar nicht mehr allzu spannend. Zumindest nicht im Kontext der Verlassenheit.
Die Eisenbahngesellschaft Union Pacific „lagert“ dort quasi seine Lokomotiven, weil das dortige Klima den Lokomotiven am wenigsten zu schaffen macht.
„It is a strategic reserve of locomotives for Union Pacific,“ said DeGraff.
We talked to DeGraff by Skype in Texas about this strange sight in southern Arizona. Union Pacific diesel locomotives, lined up end to end for about three miles.
„Right now, we have just under 300 locomotives we have stored out there,“ he said.
„Finding a good, open space with arid, dry climate there that’s good for the machines, we don’t have to worry about too much rust and rain and things like that, so it’s a good spot for us. We were fortunate to use that piece of track that we could use,“ explained DeGraff.
(Direktlink, via reddit)