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Mann ergänzt per Hand Fahrbahnmarkierungen, um schneller zur Arbeit zu kommen

Ein 28-jähriger Mann in Lianyungang, China, wurde kürzlich zu einer Geldstrafe von 1.000 Yuan verurteilt, nachdem man ihm nachweisen konnte, dass er zwei Fahrbahnmarkierungen neu gestrichen hatte, um schneller zur Arbeit zu kommen.

„He was captured on camera on 27 September [actually November] with a can of white paint painting new arrows onto the road to redirect traffic, and told police it was the result of frustrations over the long delays on his daily bus journey to work. „I saw that the straight lane was always packed with cars, while the lane that turns left has a lot of space,“ he told the police. „I thought changing the signs would make my commute smoother.“

(Direktlink, via Likecool)

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