Kuriose wenn auch all zu menschliche Szenen in einem Restaurant in Brasilien, an dem neulich eines Abends ein paar Leute während ihres CrossFit-Trainings vorbeiliefen. Das sorgte dafür, dass einige der Restaurantbesucher das Gefühl bekamen, es gäbe einen Grund dafür zu fliehen. Genauer wohl hielt man die CrossFit-Gruppe für Randalierer, die von der Polizei verfolgt wurden. Um sich daraus eventuell folgenden Konflikten zu entziehen, schlossen sich fast alle Restaurantbesucher und flohen, offenbar von Panik erfasst. Auch ein Restaurantmitarbeiter schloss sich der weglaufenden Masse an.
Dr. Kelner said customers from nearby establishments also took off running after they noticed the rush of people coming their way.
He and his group of friends ran inside another bar to seek refuge and then noticed that nothing was happening.
‘Everyone started laughing and went back to the tables as if nothing had happened,’ Dr. Kelner said.
Management at the Cervejaria Alphaiate told G1 on Thursday that the incident was simply ‘a misunderstanding.’
‘It was clarified that nothing occurred, in a few minutes all those present returned to their tables and continued with the service,’ the restaurant said.
A group of people doing CrossFit ran passed a restaurant
Dozens of diners thought they were escaping from something and abandoned their tables to run off too. This happened in Brazil 1/🧵pic.twitter.com/7lmpt2zHY7
— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) September 25, 2022