Oder im besten Fall gar aussehen sollten. Sci-Fi war seit jeher immer mehr als nur Fiktion und manches davon blieb in nicht wenigen Entwicklungen hängen. Und wenn zukünftig etwas hängen bleiben soll, dann bitte diese Idee für innerstädtischen Verkehr von Dahir Insaat.
My hope is that this will be the most important transport event of the next two decades. I can say without exaggeration that this mode of transportation is compatible with the human habitat, with the spaces in which city dwellers recreate. It can pass alongside parks, squares, and pedestrian paths, and in some cases it can even ride alongside people strolling down wide boulevards. After all, it is absolutely safe in both ecological and physical terms. It cannot cause serious injury. The most it would do if it hit a person who is standing on the monorail would be to push him out of its way. In a word, Anna Karenina would not have been able to commit suicide if she threw herself in front of a gyro monorail, no matter how much she wanted to.
(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)
Keine LKW in seiner Stadt. Ein schöner Gedanke!