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Außerirdisches zerstört einem Flamingo seine Boombox: Pink Troubles

Und Flamingos verstehen im Hinblick auf ihre Boombox keinerlei Spaß. Zumindest das verbindet mich und die Flamingos. Die Vorliebe für die Farbe ihres Gefieders jetzt mal außen vor gelassen.

Co-Director Philip Hansen schreibt:

‚Pink Troubles‘ is the story of a lonesome flamingo whose morning routine is disturbed by an unforeseen cosmic event.
It started as a quick exercise in rigging and character animation at Parasol Island’s animation department several years ago. What was planned as a quick showreel intro soon grew into a larger effort of a 4minute short film. After this proved to take too long to finish next to our actual projects, we decided to finish a shorter version of the original film – call it Episode 1 if you like!


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