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Eine Mauer um Donald Trumps Stern auf dem Walk of Fame

Neulich erst hatte jemand ein Mute-Symbol über den Stern für Donald Trump gesprüht. Fand ich recht witzig.

Nun hat Plastic Jesus eine Grenzanlage in quasi deutscher Tradition drum gebaut. Mit Stacheldraht und alles.

MostFamousArt schreibt dazu:

Hollywood sightseeers on the famous walk of fame were confronted with an unusual edition to Trump’s Famous Star. Someone had built a 6″ tall grey concrete wall around it. Complete with „Keep out“ signs and topped with razor wire. The unofficial addtion to the icon star appeared early Tuesday afternoon, to the amusement of onlookers. There was no word as to who created the humorous installation. However the miniture wall was adorned with „STOP MAKING STUPID PEOPLE FAMOUS“.

(via reddit)

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