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Das Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge

Abgefahrener Camper auf VW-Basis aus dem Jahr 1973, der in „Total Recall“ gezeigt wurde

Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern, diese geile Karre in „Total Recall“ gesehen zu haben und eigentlich ist es auch egal, dass sie dort gezeigt wurde, macht sich halt aber ganz gut in der Headline. Sei es drum.

In den 70ern kam irgendwer auf die Idee, diesen Camper auf Basis eines VW-Minibusses zu bauen. Und da bin ich gleich mal, 45 Jahre später, instant Fan von. Ja.

Originally discovered in the March 1978 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine, the camper was later seen in the blockbuster movie Total Recall starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Based on a VW minibus frame that’s had some serious protractoring done to it, the Phoenix converted into a 3.5 metre-wide tent for four, and had space for a sink, stove and an icebox.

It was designed as a do-it-yourself alteration. Provided you can get your hands on an old VW chassis, you can actually build your own today by ordering the plans from automotive DIY-er Robert Q. Riley.

(via Vintag.es)

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Auf dem Dachrand eines Polizeiquartiers spazieren gehen

Ein Rooftopper on the edge of a cliff. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger. Ich bin mal eben einen frischen Schlüppie holen…

A daredevil wanted to test his nerves of steel by getting dangerously close to a rooftop edge on the top of a head police quarters.

Cheung Jai, from Hong Kong, climbed the 55 floors to the roof of the building before walking around the walking around the edge without any harness or safety equipment.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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Tief unten im Meer: What Just Happened

This video, collected during Dive 16 of the Windows to the Deep 2018 expedition on June 30, 2018, highlights a benthic fish (Atlantic Midshipman, Porichthys plectrodon) dwelling in a burrow, snatching a large midwater fish (barracuda in the family Paralepididae) with quill worms as onlookers. The snail was an innocent (and unfortunate) bystander to the whole thing as well.

(Direktlink, via Likecool)

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