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Das Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge

Playing Music While Peaking On LSD – A Piano Improvisation

Kieran Huisman:

This video was filmed while I was „peaking“ on LSD.
Back story : September 2016 (I was 23) I was dealing with a break up with my ex and work issues on a daily basis. Then depression came at me for the first time in my life.
After speaking to my family members and my good friends, my mindset was prepared to „make a change“ before having that trip and I felt that it was a good trip helping me to let go of everything that was stopping me to be a better self.

I suppose this piece of music was a reflection of all my emotions scrambled together at that stage. I still remember the pain and emptiness in my gut while playing this random song. But then I felt completely relieved having to express whatever blockage it was in the performance.

I turned on my piano, closed my eyes and just let it flow. Surprisingly a song came out.

Ps. I am a classically trained piano player so improvising has never been my thing.


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Wenn es einfach nicht läuft als Werbeclip

Eine Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten hat hier einen Werbeclip, der zwar so gar nichts mit Telekommunikation zu tun hat, aber so viele passende MontagsGIFs aneinanderreiht, dass die locker für das nächste halbe Jahr reichen würden. Die mir liebste Szene: als der Gentleman in den Drucker tritt. Wer wollte das nicht schon immer mal machen?

(Direktlink, via Maik)

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